Empowering the Underprivileged with Clothing
Vastra Vitran Yojna
- Dec 2023
- 500,000
Vastra Vitran Yojna is a heartwarming initiative dedicated to providing clothing and warmth to the underprivileged and marginalized communities. Wi..

Empowering Lives through Saksharta Abhiyan
Saksharta Abhiyan
- Oct 2023
- 200,000
Kalpvriksh Foundation is at the forefront of transforming lives through its impactful initiative, Saksharta Abhiyan. With a vision to eradicate ill..

Ensuring Canine Welfare and Happiness
Pashu Kalyan for Dogs
- Nov 2023
- 200,000
Welcome to our heartwarming campaign, "Pashu Kalyan for Dogs," where we wholeheartedly focus on the welfare and happiness of our four-leg..

Education for Poor Children
Empowering Futures: Kalpvriksh Foundation Education for Poor Children
- Aug 2023
- 100,000
At Kalpvriksh Foundation, we believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Our initiative "Education for Poor Children&q..

Food Distribution Service
Kalpvriksh Foundation Food Distribution Service: Nourishing Lives, Building Hope
- Jul 2023
- 10,000
At Kalpvriksh Foundation, we believe that no one should go to bed hungry. Our Food Distribution Service is dedicated to nourishing lives and buildi..